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Making You Feel Better

Cross Addictions is a safe and discreet practice where clients are made to feel respected and supported in their journey to recovery. Cross Addictions offers individual, group and couple counselling and specialises in treating sex addictions with a particular emphasis on rebuilding healthy relationships.


Sex addiction is a progressive disease that consumes lives, destroys relationships and robs addicts and their partners of self-respect. Spouses and partners of sex addicts are often traumatised by the discovery of betrayal.

This programme is designed for any couple recovering from sexual addiction. The essence of the couples treatment utilises psycho educational techniques:

  • The origins of Sexual Addiction

  • Betrayal trauma, and the barriers to intimacy

  • Healthy sexuality and communication

  • Understanding principles of recovery and healthy boundaries

  • Reclaiming your own power & the ability to make balanced decisions

This programme can be an important step in achieving healthy intimacy in relationship with another.

The couples treatment utilises the latest research and techniques of the leading Sexual Addiction specialists.


Individual 121 addiction treatment at Cross Addictions is designed to support clients to explore the root causes of their behaviour and change how they manage and regulate themselves.

At Cross Addictions we believe an initial assessment and history taking is essential to shaping effective treatment. We tailor our treatment to suit each individual’s needs.

The Cross Addictions team has many years of experience in assessment, treatment planning and interventions for those that need help. At Cross Addictions we focus on rebuilding healthy relationships with oneself and others.






The Next Step

For further information on therapy options or to book a

confidential assessment, 

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