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Women's Group

Cross Addictions is planning a series of intensive, 12 week groups for women who live or work in and around Melbourne, and can commit to a longer term, structured programme.

These programmes are designed for women struggling with sexual addiction and makes use of psycho-education and group therapy to affect change. An important component of the group process is experiential in nature. The group works together to support each other and share similar issues. Progress is evidenced by increased awareness and the ability to be present in life.

Please indicate interest in this group by clicking on the button below and we will be in touch when the group is scheduled 

Men's Group

An intensive 12 week groups for men who live or work in and around Melbourne, and can commit to a longer term, structured programme.

This programme is designed for men struggling with sexual addiction and makes use of psycho-education and group therapy to affect change. An important component of the group process is experiential in nature. The group works together to support each other and share similar issues. Progress is evidenced by increased awareness and the ability to be present in life.

Please indicate interest in this group by clicking on the button below and we will be in touch when the group is scheduled


Couples' Counselling

Sex addiction is a progressive disease that consumes lives, destroys relationships and robs addicts and their partners of self-respect. Spouses and partners of sex addicts are often traumatized by the discovery of betrayal.

This programme is designed for any couple recovering from sexual addiction. Please indicate interest in this group by clicking on the button below and we will be in touch when the group is scheduled

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